Wednesday 21 July 2010

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: LiveEnsure™ will help to Eliminate the Threat Without Impacting Business.

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: LiveEnsure™ will help to Eliminate the Threat Without Impacting Business.

A sophisticated type of phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks occur when an attacker attempts to intercept communications between two parties who are transacting online, such as a customer and a retailer, without their knowledge.
By doing so, the attacker becomes "the man in the middle."

Both parties are unaware of the attacker's presence. So, acting as a proxy, the attacker can both review and manipulate the contents of the messages he is relaying between the two parties.

Today I read with sadness that BP claimants have been victim of a phishing scam adding to chaos of the disaster.

Live Ensure™ protects users by securing and authenticating their identities through a synthesized multi-factor approach. Users are confident that their credentials are protected whilst on your site. Your users are protected from phishing, pharming or man-in-middle attacks. There are no complicated, ineffective tokens and cookies. Users can trust the site or application they are accessing cannot login under their identity without their permission. (Insider attack)

Developers you can join the beta-test next week simply register on the website.
Learn how to protect your customers now.

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